5 Tips to Re-Wire Your Monday Mornings

Monday Morning

June 4, 2012 Blog Johanna Peltola

How about starting the week by listing 3 things you’re grateful for? While it may not be the first item on your usual to-do list, the methods of positive psychology might prove tremendously effective in search of happiness.

In Michael’s brilliant post How to Be Happy? the topic of happiness was explored in molecular and broad level from endorphins to gross national happiness.

According to psychologist Shawn Achor’s talk The happy secret to better work, happiness inspires productivity, thus contributing to our everyday work. While there may be no shortcuts to acquire the much desired emotional state, it’s comforting to know that our beloved brain is able to re-wire itself. Scientists call this ability neuroplasticity, and it is something we can utilise in order to change even our Monday morning moods, perhaps for good.

Achor lists 5 activities that contribute to creating lasting positive change:

  1. 3 Gratitudes
  2. Journaling
  3. Exercise
  4. Meditation
  5. Random acts of kindness

Your brain can be re-wired to positive thinking by writing down 3 new things you’re grateful for, every morning 21 days in a row. Be it your health, first rays of the sun or a nice warm cuppa, the method trains your brain to scan for positivity in the surroundings. If you do it regularly, the brain retains the pattern and you’ll notice the change. Only taking 2 minutes of your time, it’s an easy way to start with these neuroplastic activities.

Happy Monday morning!

Johanna Peltola

Johanna is a TEDxSalford blogger from Tampere, Finland.

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