Speaker Announcement – Aubrey de Grey

August 16, 2013 Blog Susanne Ulm
Is Aubrey de Grey the prophet of immortality?
Audrey (David Nicholas Jasper) de Grey is known for his highly controversial statements about why we age and how we should prevent it, as well as his astonishingly long beard. He is a computer scientist, researcher and self-taught biogerontologist, which means Aubrey studies biological phenomena associated with old age and aging.
We are excited to announce that Aubrey de Grey will be joining us at TEDxSalford 3.0.
Aubrey grew up in London, has a PhD in computer science, is a drinker of fine British ales and has been interviewed by a large number of different news sources, such as BBC, CNN, New York Times and The Washington Post.
Furthermore, he is the author of the book ‘Ending Aging: The rejuvenation breakthroughs that could reverse human aging in our lifetime’ (co-authored with his research assistant Michael Rae).
The body is like a machine – aging is the lifelong accumulation of molecular and cellular side-effects of normal operation that eventually contribute to age-related death.
Aubrey believes that with the right (regenerative) technology we can turn the biological clock backwards which means already middle-aged or older people can develop a lower biological age than they had before.
Therefore, it is not surprising that he is the Chief Science Officer of the SENS foundation. The acronym stands for Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence which includes a number of strategies and techniques to stop aging. Aubrey is regarded as one of the leading experts in this field.
It’s not really a matter of living forever; it’s just a matter of not wanting to die.
You can follow Aubrey de Grey on and find out more about his idea of living longer. You can also watch his appearance on CNN.
We are very pleased to announce that Aubrey de Grey will be speaking on stage at TEDxSalford 3.0 which will be hosted at the Lowry Complex, Salford Quays, Greater Manchester, on 10th November 2013. You can see the other speakers for the conference on our dedicated speaker page.
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Susanne Ulm
I am a science geek with a passion for writing.